tl, dr.


James Earthenware is a one man band specialising in Casio keyboards, computerised rhythms, melodic lo-fi guitar noise, naieve computer game music keyboards and sporadic vocalisations, often wry comments on life and poignant stories.

James records all his material in his bedroom using obsolete technology. His bedroom is located in Melbourne, Australia, a country that was once a British colony but is now obsessed with importing it’s cultural identity from the United States.

James often collaborates with Loscha as “The Reverse Engineers”, getting up to all sorts of keyboard modifying / circuit bending shinanigans. He has released many CDRs culminating in a compilation album, ‘Perception Management’ in early 2008.


Due to his artistic process being overly ambitious, obsessive-compulsive, financially non-viable and logistically impossible James has retired from live performances. He will concentrate on archiving, remixing and documenting unreleased out-takes from his 18 album back-catalogue for the remainder of his career. To reduce co-dependence on technology, James’ future performances will present his poetry rather than music, and he will be recording no new albums after his 10th anniversary.

James’ final mission is to complete the production of his book/manuscript/zine researching the history and use of obsolete Casiotone keyboards. This due for completion early 2010, following which, James plans to, with the aid of much counselling and institutional support,  slowly reintegrate himself back into society.

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